Thanks to all of you who attended the reunion this year! Whether you attended or not, please take a few minutes to provide feedback to the planning committee so that we know what we're doing right or could improve on.
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* Answer Required
* Did you attend the reunion?
Do you think the prices were reasonable?
This year's reunion included several activities including: Earl's meet and greet; Zumba/Yoga; Golf; La Crosse Queen cruise; Dinner at Piggy's. Were you aware of all these activities? Please let us know which activities you attended or planned to attend and offer any comments you have on the schedule of events.
Please share your comments about any other aspect of the reunion.
Whether you attended or not, please let us know what factors would make it more likely that you'd attend a future reunion?
Aquinas High School puts together alumni social / fundraising events in various cities around the country. Would you consider attending such an event if there were one near you? Please state "yes" or "no", and, if "yes", which city or cities you might attend in.